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Membership Requirements

Things to consider before you apply for club membership


You must be a registered voter.  All applicants must be sponsored by a current CFGPA member.  The membership pool is limited to 150 regular member positions.  Applicants are considered for membership based on the available openings at the time, and in the order the applications were received.  Our annual member drive is held every January during the first general member meeting of the calendar year.  The member applicant, and sponsor must both be at the club no later than 6 PM for the January meeting.


Requirements for all probationary members


All probationary members must meet the following goals to be considered full members by the July deadline. 


  • Attend 2 member meetings between February and June.

  • Volunteer 12 hours during club sponsored workdays.

  • Work one archery shoot or one shotgun shoot.

  • Work one event (Bonanza / Archery Benefit Shoot).


6 Months may seem like a long time but it can go by quickly.  Please do not wait until the end of the probationary period to fulfill your requirements.  Note that the January or July meetings do not count toward the 2 required meetings.  You can find additional information by following the links for the required archery or shotgun shoots, or by checking the club calendar.  The event can be either one of the first two  Bonanzas or the annual archery benefit shoot.  Note that the scheduled workdays to prep for club events are viewed as normal workdays.  You will have three opportunities to work an event during the probationary period.  Please plan accordingly.  




​Club membership requirements start over on November 1 each calendar year.  Members have until October 31 of the following year to volunteer 12 hours of service, and attend 2 general membership meetings.  It is the responsibility of each member to make sure their hours, and meeting attendance is recorded correctly.  Do not wait until the end of the year to correct your hours.  Check the records posted on the bulletin board at the club or on the Member Resources page to make sure you agree with the figures.  Please note that dues will be $300 for any member that does not fulfill their requirements. 

You MUST sign the sheets at the meeting to get credit for your meeting attendance. 

If you do not want in the drawing ($1.00 donation) please mark the "Not Participating" box on the sheet. 



Catoctin Fish & Game Protective Association

 Clark Rd, Myersville, MD 21773, USA

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